The Cleanroom Performance Testing Program provides for certification of firms and qualification of individuals that meet criteria established by NEBB.
Purpose of the Certification Program
The purpose of NEBB certification is to offer tangible proof of competent firms and certified professionals qualified in the proper methods and procedures for performance testing of cleanrooms and/or cleanspaces.
This purpose will be accomplished by meeting the following objectives:
- Establish industry standards, procedures and specifications for performance testing of cleanrooms.
- Set minimum education standards and other requirements for the qualification of certified professionaly personnel employed by firms who perform this work.
- Establish educational programs for training certified professionaly personnel in the proper methods and procedures for performance testing of cleanrooms.
- Certify as qualified for the performance and supervision of cleanroom performance testing, those firms who meet the requirements for certification as established by NEBB, who agree to comply with the objectives of NEBB, and who employ certified professionaly personnel who have met the requirements of qualification as established by NEBB.
- Serve as a focal point for educational and technical materials pertinent to cleanroom testing.
Certification Requirements
In order to become NEBB-certified in cleanroom performance testing, a firm must:
- Have operated for a minimum period of 12 months continuously with an employee as an engineering firm; mechanical contractor; plumbing contractor; fire protection contractor; electrical contractor; testing contractor; or an adjusting and balancing (TAB) contractor.
- Enjoy a reputation for responsible performance. Six letters of endorsement from building owners or contract awarding authorities in the firm’s area are required.
- Be a member in good standing of a local NEBB Chapter.
- Own the CPT instruments which are required for NEBB certification in Cleanroom Performance Testing.
- Possess the current NEBB Standards for Cleanroom Performance Testing.
- Designate in writing the Designated Certified Professional who will represent the firm and be responsible for the supervision of Cleanroom Performance Testing.
For the most current prerequisite, please email
The NEBB Cleanroom Performance Testing firm must supply verification of continued compliance with NEBB certification requirements every two (2) years. The firm must:
- Continue to own the instruments required for certification which they had listed.
- Submit records to verify their conformance with the NEBB guidelines for calibration and maintenance of the required instruments.
- Confirm in writing that they employ the designated Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Professional(s) who previously met the NEBB requirements for qualification.
- Confirm in writing that the designated Cleanroom Performance Testing Certified Professional(s) has attended at least one six (6) hour approved seminar or refresher course annually given by Chapters or at National meetings of NEBB, IES, SEMI, ASHRAE, or by other approved organizations or institutions.
A firm’s certification shall be suspended when the firm no longer meets all of the certification requirements listed above. The certification of a suspended firm will be reinstated by NEBB at such time as the requirements for certification are again met.
A certified firm must notify the local NEBB Chapter in writing within ten days of the temporary or permanent loss of the designated NEBB-qualified certified professional. Replacement of certified professionals is not permissible without written approval of NEBB.
Loss of Certification
Certification may be terminated for failure of the firm to abide by the objectives and performance standards of NEBB. Termination of certification by NEBB requires vote of the Board of Directors of NEBB provided that by similar vote the Board shall first find that certification is prejudicial to the best interests of the Bureau and provided further that the certified firm in question shall have had opportunity upon written notice of at least fifteen (15) days to show cause why the certification should not be terminated.